I currently assume that most of my audience consists of casual gamers, but I am well aware that this is probably not the case currently. For my blog posts, I have just been looking at the games I have played in the past two years, so I don’t have a lot to work with. With the audience I imagine myself to have, I usually just go through my folder of clips from games I’ve played and reflect on how much fun I had playing the game, whether I was playing by myself or with friends. So with my posts, I write a little bit about the game, including the story, gameplay, and anything else that may be important, and at the end of my reviews, I write my opinion on the game and whether I think it is worth purchasing or not. When choosing the games I want to review, I make sure to choose a game that is enjoyable for the majority of audiences, as I would like to expand my audience to as many people as possible. Overall, I believe that my target audience is mostly casual gamers, which has led me to review games that can appeal to a large array of gamers. As I expand my audience, I may be able to grow further and maybe have more than just casual gamers.

By Parsa

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